We’ve all heard the story of the Christian baker who refused to render services for a same-sex wedding. The question is how do we protect civil rights and religious rights at the same time, especially when the two clash.
Same-sex couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples. No demographic of society should be discriminated against or mistreated. At the same time, people of faith have core beliefs, and supporting certain things that are accepted by society would go against those beliefs. Disagreement does not have to mean discrimination.
I’m sure there are some people of faith who believe business is business, and providing a service to someone whose lifestyle they don’t agree with does not mean they are co-signing the way they live. There are others who feel that providing the service means that they are supporting those life choices.
I would also think that a same-sex couple would want to give their money to a business who has no problem serving them well, as opposed to someone who is being forced to although they are against it. I do understand, though, that everyone wants the opportunity to choose and not be denied because of who they are.
It’s a fine line and a potentially slippery slope on both sides of the dilemma. Not being required to provide a certain service to a select group could open the door to other services and other groups. Being forced to provide services could require faith leaders, people of faith, and houses of worship to go against religious beliefs.
I’m not sure what the solution is exactly, but I do believe that respect will lead the way. Respecting one another’s rights, both civil and religious, as well as lifestyles and beliefs is where to start. Respect each other’s decisions and recognize when it’s okay to disagree.
5 replies on “Love is Love”
I have a gay cousin, so this particular conflict or interest is something I am familiar with. I love my cousin just as much as I did before I knew about his sexual orientation and that won’t change. With that being said, I love God and His ways/commandments and His design more than anything, which overrides what mankind deems to be right. We read, on many occasions, in the Bible where God’s people went to jail for going against the law to stand for Christ. Truth, it is a thin line and that’s the line between love and compromise
I think that people in all facets of society should have rights that give equal treatment from one person to the next. At the same time, I do not think that those rights should infringe on another person’s rights. It’s a thin line in that aspect too – where one person’s rights end and the next person’s rights begin.
As the mother of a gay daughter, I had my eyes opened to all the dangers of being gay. I’m afraid for my daughter because not everyone can live and let live! I agree with you Leah respect is the first step and from there maybe a little civility, which could lead to open conversations. Love is love regardless of what anyone believes and no one has the right to tell people they can’t be in love with the person of their choice.
Thanks for sharing Mel. People don’t have to agree to understand each other. If I can listen to someone share about their life, their struggles, their dreams, I can see them for the individual they are; and they can do the same with me.